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Lacerte Tax Organizer: @ 1800-865-4183.

How to Print Organizers in Lacerte

Problem Description

In this tutorial, we will learn about how to print Organizers in Lacerte Tax Program?

Solution Description


The current year Organizer needs to be accessed from the previous year program.

To print Organizers in Lacerte:

1. Click on the Clients tab (to view the list of your clients). 2. Click on Tools option. 3. Click on Organizer option 4. Click on Print Paper Organizer option from the left navigation panel. If you get the Intuit Link Welcome screen, click on Don’t Show this again or Tell me later to continue printing organizers. 5. Select the type of Organizer that you want to print: o Complete Organizers o Condensed Organizers o Partial Organizers o Blank Organizers

6. Highlight the clients available under the Available Clients section. (To highlight multiple clients, hold down the Ctrl key and select the applicable clients.)

7. Click on Add option. (This will move the highlighted clients from the Available Clients section to the Selected Clients section.)

8. Click on Print option.


If this is your first time printing organizers for this year, you will be asked if you want to set your Organizer Options. Click on yes option to set your Organizer Options.

1. Select on the Organizer Pages that you want to include with the organizer. (Note- This window will be changed depending on the Organizer Type selected in Step 5.)

Suppress exclude the page from the§ Organizer even if the clients previous year Lacerte tax return requires information from this page.

Force prints the page even if the clients previous year tax return did not require information from this page.§

Toll Free Number: 1800-865-4183.

When Applicable prints the page only if the clients previous year tax return requires information from this page.§

2. Select the applicable Document Options. 3. Click on OK option.

Select the desired Document Options and Organizer Print Options.

Click on OK option.

Select the applicable Printer from the Print Settings window.

Click on OK option.



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